Why do people create content online? What drives them to post, tag, and follow?

I believe that people create content online as a way for people to showcase their creativity to others. It can help them create or connect to a community that has the same interest  as them.  I think what drives them to tag, post and follow is being given the ability to show your creativity and tagging relevant people that can possible make what you have created viral, Posting pictures or videos allows people to get a sense of what you are trying to do and its also allows people to discover you and your page. Following people that has the same interest as you, creates a community and is also a great way to get new ideas from others. The internet is a place were people discover and explore. The article Is “Google Making Us Stupid?” states “The advantages of having immediate access to such an incredibly rich store of information are many, and they’ve been widely described and duly applauded.” When using the Internet and creating content online research is mostly being done to get more information on what it is that you would like to create.

A Week Without Google or Facebook Assignment

The ability to last a week without Google or Facebook platforms wasn’t as difficult as I thought it might be. Not only has it shown that how much everything has essentially shifted to technological production as well as society’s use for it. For example, Google itself is now out on electronic dictionaries, thus rendering physical books and libraries useless. Using it for school is essential and even out of school, we feel that urge to use it to search up a word or to quickly read an article to pass time. As luck might have, I wouldn’t say I’m addicted or reliant but I’d say the use of technology has become a good fallback option. Even though we’re in a global pandemic and we’ve been staring at computers for the better part of 18 months, I’ve set out time within a to read physical books since I prefer reading physical books instead of online books. When weather allows, go outside and workout. Overall, life wouldn’t be so much difficult but rather an adjustment without the help of Google with any mental logjam as well as opening up a phone and clicking on an app. 


The Public Sphere, Blogs, Linked Information

For the better part of the last 10 years, more and more people have ventured into the world of social media and content creation. People’s reasons range from displaying their talents to entertainment and daily blogs. Since essentially the turn of the century, people have had an online presence but it was far and few between until MySpace which wasn’t until the mid to late 2000’s. With that internet exposure, it results in fame, recognition and other famous and non famous people wanting to work with that person. Micro and macro celebrities such as musicians like The Weeknd or Justin Bieber to comedians like DC Young Fly or cardi b. So to a novice, a lot of people look at them and think “if they made it like that, I can to”. But what they all have in common is that they took a platform like YouTube and Instagram and marketed themselves and know they have a massive following 

As far as the business and logistics side of things goes, even they are seeing the benefits to online presence and creation. According to “Is Google Making Making Us Stupid”, author Nicholas Carr writes, ‘The advantages of having immediate access to such an incredibly rich store of information are many, and they’ve been widely described and duly applauded. “The perfect recall of silicon memory,” Wired’s Clive Thompson has written, “can be an enormous boon to thinking.” The effects that the internet has had on society, has changed the course of history. For instance, every streaming service has an ad as part of its algorithms. Societally everyone can find their purpose online no matter their interests whether it’s news, sports, or even politics. It’s a garden littered with material for everyone. So the more people that use it, the more intuned people are. “The more pieces of information we can “access” and the faster we can extract their gist, the more productive we become as thinkers.” More viewers means more content which means more ads so it’s somewhat a win-win situation for everyone involved. The audience is satisfied and the creators get paid as well. 


A Week Without Facebook Assignment

Attempting to go a week without Google and Facebook products was extremely hard for me. It showed me how much I search up people, places, and things online. It has become an instinct. Whenever I don’t know something or want to figure something out, I immediately click on Google. This includes not just for personal use, but for educational use as well. When completing assignments I always have Google open. I even have it open right now. I constantly use it to double check things, look for words, tools, and so much more. Google has become a part of my everyday life. I guess it has become a necessity. I no longer have use for dictionaries, libraries, and the numerous other tools that I once used before. I wouldn’t say that I am addicted or that I couldn’t live without these products, but my life would be much more different and definitely much more difficult without them. I would be burdened and at a disadvantage as knowledge and information would no longer be accessible by simply unlocking my phone, or computer and opening an app.



The Public, Spheres, Blogs, Linked Information

For many people, content creation is a means of expression similar to an artist painting on a canvas or a ballet dancer performing in a concert hall. Although, creating content and posting it online takes on an entirely different form. Mainly due to the amount of people you can reach in such a short period of time. I believe there are three reasons people post online. The first reason is aimed at the educational aspect for people to learn. The second is to entertain, and lastly, the third is to broadcast their life on social media.

Moreover, the internet is a prominent place with no set direction or audience, so anyone can find something they enjoy. Of the three reasons I stated why people post, one that is done most frequently is people posting their lives on their social media sites. Everyone does it; if you have access to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you have one time or another posted an event you were a part of or something as simple as what you ate that day. The article “Great Wall of Facebook: The Social Network’s Plan to Dominate the Internet — and Keep Google Out” talks about the importance of algorithms and how Facebook is using them to serve its consumers. For example, it states, “Facebook friends post links to outside sites; you will be able to use it as a gateway to the Web, making it a direct threat to Google. Why settle for articles about the Chrysler bankruptcy that the Google News algorithm recommends when you can read what your friends suggest.” What you post is relevant, especially to others within your friend group. Companies are taking this into consideration for that reason. They are showing you what your friends post rather than mainstream sources to catch one’s attention.

While reading through this week’s articles, one was super relatable: “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” The internet and especially Google have undoubtedly made life easier for everyone. Nevertheless, that has come at a price. Nicholas Carr states, “the Net seems to be chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation.” Our “mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles,” we are programming ourselves to view information differently and become impatient if the answers are not in front of us within seconds. The idea of reading a book to gather research has become a long-lost memory. Furthermore, this has affected the way people learn. Moving forward there can be a huge switch in our educational system.

The Public, Spheres, Blogs, Linked Information

There are many reasons why people create content online. Some reasons are to show off their talents, create entertainment, update people on their lives, and on the more negative side of it, to gain validation from outside parties. For years, children, teen, young adults, and even older people have had online presences. For what ever reasons they participate, they are experiencing some sort of personal, economical, or social gain. Having an online presence can aid in producing jobs, fame, and even fortune. Celebrities and influencers like Shawn Mendes, Charli D’Amelio, and Justin Bieber have all gained recognition from creating content online, on apps like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Vine. Based on algorithms and dat, users are shown suggested accounts, posts, and people to like, share, and follow. When people like content, sometimes they are compelled to tag a friend, share the post/account, and even follow the account themselves.


On the business end of things, many businesses, companies, and professionals use and create content online. Is Google Making Making Us Stupid? by Nicholas Carr, states “I’ve been spending a lot of time online, searching and surfing and sometimes adding to the great databases of the Internet. The Web has been a godsend to me as a writer.” The Internet is not tailored to just one specific age, race, or gender, there is something for everyone. News, entertainment, fashion, and so much more can be found online. It is a melting pot of communities, ideas, and facts. In correlation with content comes the existence of online ads. On almost every site and social media app there are ads and with every click and purchase, revenue is made. Fred Volgelstein, author of Great Wall of Facebook says, “Facebook executives concede that Google has secured an insurmountable lead in searching—those little text ads that pop up next to search results—which accounts for about 90 percentage of Google’s net revenue.” With these ads, the income derived from apps continue to increase. More people are being exposed to the existence of said apps and the content that can be found on them. It then guarantees more viewers, users, and accounts. More accounts equals more success and more success equals more money. More content for the users and more money and success for the creators.

Network theory Blog #1

The network humans have not only created but also evolved has benefited us in a big way, we often use networks to help us get by and keep ourselves organized. For starters, we use applications to help us get information . For people like myself that take public transportation the app called “transit” gives you an accurate time on when a train or bus will arrive at the stop closest to you, the app will also notify you of delays and scheduled constructed work being done in the stations and which stops the train will skip. If you are a driver like myself, you will find yourself using “Waze” or “maps” on your iPhone to not only give you the best route to take but also tells you how long it will take and what time you will get there to the point where it tells you about an accident that has occurred and shows how bad the traffic is on the route chosen. this feature by using networks also allows the app to adjust the estimated time of arrival. We use networks like social media to organize meetings and conference calls. the company I work for in fact uses office outlook to host conference calls where all managers in the district are connected and can communicate all at the same time. networks have allowed us to have cellular devices that allow us to make phone calls, check bank accounts, schedule meetings , and even set reminders for important upcoming dates. Elon musk has even used networking to create a car that runs solely on electricity which as mentioned in today’s class is becoming the next big thing as apple has also discussed making an apple car of their own that runs on battery life. Networking has become something we rely on and as we continue to evolve so does the network that we have accepted into our world.

Blog #1: Network Theory

Networks are a fundamental component within multiple ranges of disciplines like transportation, physics, technology, and digital media. Networks are undoubtedly rooted in various arrangements of our day to day. For instance, transportation, something that can be easily looked past, is based on a principle of networks to reach a certain point due to the various nodes that it takes to get you to your destination. With that being said, networks are essential to digital media and the consumption of the world wide web. In general, the internet is a super network with “documents connected to each other by URLs” (Taming Complexity). Furthermore, networks provide a primary element to digital media because the “systems follow common laws precisely because the decisions of where to connect are distributed, delegated to the individual nodes”(Taming Complexity). In simple terms, networks follow a dynamic law that improves digital media in information distribution and communications. For example, “Google, whose phenomenal success is rooted in its algorithm that uses the topology of the Web to rank the search results” (Taming Complexity). I found this critical because it touched on the importance of (SEO) search engine optimization, which is the method of improving the volume and quality of commerce to your website through organic search engine results. A better ranking enhances your brand’s visibility, giving you more opportunities to convert fitted candidates into buyers. A great ways for companies or merchants to get their products across to consumers. Additionally, I found it remarkable when hearing the audio Networks: The Science-Spanning Disciplines / Anna Nagurney due to its simplicity and overwhelming complexity. I thought about digital media and how networks play an essential role. Anna Nagurney stated something significant, “In computer science, networks are used to design all sorts of routing algorithms.” And later on, those same algorithms produce the application and make it functional for users to use and companies to track. These are the things that make networks and improves our ability to use the internet.

Blog #1: Network Theory

      People are connected in ways that have never been possible before thanks to digital media. You can simply reach out to any demographic by utilizing networking via digital media. It has allowed for new levels of communication, economic development, and social interaction by eliminating time and geographical barriers. New learning techniques have occurred as a result of the increased use of digital media. Digital media can be used as a great marketing tool through the method of viral marketing. This is explored in the article,  “Viral Marketing for the Real World” by authors Duncan Watts and Jonah Peretti. They explain, “what would previously have been the entire audience for the message also becomes the big seed for a viral campaign in which the newly added people can forward the message to their friends, who may forward it to their friends in turn, and so on.” This demonstrates the significance of networks in digital media. Without those media platforms producing and disseminating information to us the consumers who can share it to more audiences, like a domino effect, there wouldn’t be any viral marketing. Many companies, businesses, and networks use methods like these to market information or products to maintain success. This method is more reliable and predictable than traditional ones because it allows a more predictable outcome and is able to reach larger bodies of audiences. This idea of networking is furthermore explored in the article, “Taming Complexity” by the author Albert-Laslo Barabasi. It explains how companies are using information on social networks to help better understand us. Such as analyzing patterns,behaviors, demographics. For example, this can determine what types of ads might be shown to us. The author explains how we must use the method of ethnography to help better understand and observe human interactions in our society. 

Why are networks important elements of digital media?

Networks are important elements of digital media. Some examples of this include, Maps. Anyone with a phone definitely needs a map to get around, With apps such as Google Maps, Apple Maps and Waze, I wouldn’t see how anyone can get around, no one knows where everything is obviously. Anna Nagurney talks about that in the podcast.

Another example of an important network element in digital media is communication. Yes we can text and make phone calls to one another, but take that to the next level and use video chat which includes apps like FaceTime and Skype. Anna insinuates that we never really know how important it is that we have access to these things, unless your looking at it from an outside perspective.

In the article “Taming Complexity“, it states, “Today, more than twenty new companies exploit the increasing knowledge of social networks, with applications from discovering business contacts to dating services.” The important element of network can lead to an abundance of opportunities and inventions. Network should be used to take your inventions or businesses to the next level.