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Category: Uncategorized
Oct 19
Mobile and Wireless Space
Since its very conception, technology has been constantly evolving and will continue to do so throughout the entirety of our life and beyond. Some of the biggest things which have developed as a result of technology and the internet are wireless and mobile media. Similarly to the internet, wireless and mobile media have had the …
Oct 14
Mobile and Wireless Space
Over the years, technology, the internet, and all of the components that make up both of these advancements have continued to rapidly and indescribably alter. Those alterations and modifications have changed not just devices and productivity, but the consumers who use them as well. More specifically, they have changed how individuals and communities communicate, receive …
Oct 13
NFTs -Jacqueline Minelli
NFTs have been around for a long time, despite their recent media exposure. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have been all over the news recently. An NFT is a blockchain-based digital asset, commonly artwork, that works similarly to a JPEG file. The argument is that the value of NFTs comes from the fact that the buyer …
Oct 13
Are NFT’s Good or Bad?
NFT’s is a “blockchain-based digital asset, often artwork, that’s not unlike your regular JPEG file. The difference is it’s cryptographically authenticated, meaning the author or creator is verified within an immutable and unchangeable digital record. For some, it’s the future of artwork. For others, it’s a passing fad.” Based on where technology is going, NFT’s …
Oct 13
Week 6
NFTs are Non-fungible tokens. According to the article, What Are NFTs And Are They Here To Stay?, “An NFT is a blockchain-based digital asset, often artwork, that’s not unlike your regular JPEG file. The difference is it’s cryptographically authenticated, meaning the author or creator is verified within an immutable and unchangeable digital record. For some, …
Oct 13
Week 6 – What are the effects of NFTs on the Internet? Are they good or bad?
An NFT is basically a new type of digital asset. An Example of that is basically if an author was to sell the writings to his story as an NFT, if he was to do so he could never alter this story but the person who owns it now who has an NFT can change …
Oct 12
Why do people create content online? What drives them to post, tag, and follow?
There is a vast multitude of reasons for someone to create content online. One inherent and consistent fact of doing this is that it is done for people online to see and view. Every other reason for or aspect of online content creation is malleable. One might create content online as an expression of themselves, …
Oct 12
A Week Without Google/Facebook – Blog 2
My initial reaction to seeing this assignment was that it would be relatively easy to go one week without using Google/Facebook. I haven’t had a Facebook account in years and I thought I could consciously go a week without googling something. But what broke this initial expectation was the realization that the grasp of Facebook …
Oct 12
Without having read the content I’d say that NFT’s have a negative effect on the Internet. Intrinsically I think they are neither. However, this is affected by society and as a result becomes good or bad in relation to the user of the token. After having read the article “What Are NFT’s And Are They …
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