Category: Uncategorized

Network Theory – Blog 1

It is hard to overstate the inherent importance of networks in digital communications.  There are the benefits that we use and benefit from in everyday life. messaging apps, GPS programs, online media consumption, social media participation, and much more would be made either impossible or difficult without network theory. the complex processes of information transference …

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Week 1- Network Theory

Where would we be without transportation  networks, communication networks and especially energy networks. This is something Anna Nagurney stresses in Networks – The Science-Spanning Disciplines. We never think about how we would would get anywhere if it wasn’t for transportation networks. So many of us use apps that help us get to our daily activities …

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Network Theory

“Viral marketing has generated a lot of excitement recently, pick some small number of people to seed your idea, product, or message; get it to go viral; and then watch while it spreads effortlessly to reach millions”, says Duncan Watts and Jonah Albert, publishers of Viral Marketing of the Real World. To increase or maintain …

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Week #1 Submission

Since the early 2000s, technology has taken the world by storm from our everyday habits to our emotional states. Today, as it advances, we use technology to connect and learn with each other, ourselves, and our surroundings. Through social media or through personal networks. According to the article, “Taming Complexity”, Barabási mentioned “We can already …

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Why are networks important elements of digital media?

Networks are important elements of digital media because they help expand the basic level of communication. They have many different uses such as collaborating on projects large and small as well used for branding and marketing.

Why are networks important elements of digital media?

As the years have passed we have seen technology grow and evolve into new and innovated inventions. Networks are an important elements of digital media because it helps coordinate, communicate, and collaborate. Digital media can be used in a way to create, view, modified and listen on any digital technology. Digital media is used all …

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