Crowdsourcing involves obtaining work, information, or opinions from a large group of people who submit their data via the Internet, social media, and smartphone apps. People involved in crowdsourcing sometimes work as paid freelancers, while others perform small jobs voluntarily. Moreover, it is changing methods of labor on the Internet as “well-established crowdfunding sites like …
Category: Uncategorized
Oct 03
Search Engine –
My search engine named would be “” . The reason I finally was able to choose my search engine name is because of the many filtered options my search engine would have, for example I would allow users when searching the web for relevant resources about a particular topic they are researching for I would …
Sep 29
Search engine
My ideal search engine would have lots and lots of filters so I can easily find something instead of endlessly scrolling looking for a specific article or webpage to find the answer I’m looking for. The search bar would be in the middle similar to Google. I would include a dark mode, for sensitive eyes. …
Sep 29
Search Engine
If I had developed a search engine it would be called, “How Can We Help You?”. Search engines contain a vast amount of information and are there to help us with any questions or interests we may have. That’s why I titled my search engine that because I want it to feel like it’s purpose …
Sep 29
Are the tools of digital media impeding or expanding our knowledge?
The tools of digital media are expanding our knowledge and impeding it. The world is changing on a daily basis and the use of digital media is keeping us up to date. The internet is a mass database that we instantly have access to countless information. These tools are expanding our knowledge because we’re exposed …
Sep 29
Digital Media
Digital media is expanding our knowledge for sure. Look at search engines! We have all the information at the touch of our fingers, the palms of our hand. It takes one click to get any information on about any topic you want. But there’s a bad hand dealt when it comes to digital media too. …
Sep 29
Blog 3
My version of an ideal search engine would be something akin to what is used in most websites where products are purchased. For example, bicycles. On any company’s site there are filters which break things down into type of bike, size, wheel size, brand, and price range. In a similar fashion, this engine would have …
Sep 29
Are the tools of digital media impeding or expanding our knowledge?
The tools of digital media are definitely expanding our knowledge, and things are now more accessible than ever. However, this all comes with a major disadvantage: nothing you ever post on any of these digital media platforms is forgotten. One reason which I believe would lend to the success and expansion of digital media and …
Sep 29
FinDIt – search engine
If I came up with a search engine, it would be called FinDIt, and I would want it to be simpler than what we’re accustomed to. Although search engines for the most part are filled with so much information that the results are endless. But the main feature I would incorporate would be where the …
Sep 29
Digital Media Expansion of our Knowledge
The tools of digital media is expanding our knowledge but it comes with a price. Depending on who you ask, communication isn’t what once was and probably won’t be the same. With everything almost exclusively online as far as shopping, gathering information and communicating with people, it’s just different. It’s almost hard for us to …
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