It is hard to overstate the inherent importance of networks in digital communications. There are the benefits that we use and benefit from in everyday life. messaging apps, GPS programs, online media consumption, social media participation, and much more would be made either impossible or difficult without network theory. the complex processes of information transference that we call networking is what keeps all these services afloat and are what allows us to keep using them on a daily basis, providing user data to the companies that own them. A corporations number one goal is to generate profits and while the creations made possible by networking to serve practical and sometimes utilitarian purposes, our use of them provide the corporations that created them either direct payment or unlimited access to your data, which they can then sell or use to make future decisions. Duncan Watts and Jonah Peretti discuss how corporations try to generate viral marketing campaigns and say ” Companies, unlike diseases, can use standard advertising methods to create potentially enormous seeds. If the initial seed is big enough…the burnout process will persist for multiple generations, thereby reaching many additional people.” Networking doesn’t just have massive influence on digital communications, it is essential to the communications industry as a whole.
“Taming Complexity” by Albert Laszlo Barabasi takes great effort and puch much detail into the describing the earlier mentioned complexities behind how networking actually functions and how the science behind it is growing. And as networking grows it will undoubtedly be used to expand on the corporate networks already in place to generate profits. Albert says in his writing “Network science has shown immediate economic benefits as well. # e poster child of early network thinking is Google, whose phenomenal success is rooted in its algorithm that uses the topology of the Web to rank the search results. Today, more than twenty new companies exploit the increasing knowledge of social networks”
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